Sunday, August 14, 2011

Orange Bellied Parrot
(Neophema chrysogaster)

On the brink of extinction the Orange-bellied Parrot has been ranked as one of the world's rarest and most endangered species.

Fewer than 200 individuals of this rare and endangered species occur in suitable habitat in the far southwest of Tasmania. Birds migrate following the breeding season, and may be seen along the northwest coast and King Island 
I really wasn't sure about this little guy.
 He's small but has added a new dimension, he's like a little jewel.


Jacquie said...

You're amazing. This is beautiful. x

rachel awes said...

first, dear one,
i adore this woman's face.
soooo pretty.
& love her dress pattern
& the wallpaper!
then there's the gorgeous animals!
i love fieldtrips to
the forest of naomi.

Studio at the Farm said...

The parrot is a jewel, and he perfectly balances the painting.

Anonymous said...

Aww, how cute this little birdie is and your loving painting.
Thank you so much for your beautiful message, it was so loving.
The day was brilliant, thank! you.

Like what patterns you've painted on her dress, also!
Have a great week!
Huge hug!

roberto M. said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Hey. the fabric of the girl's dress is amazing!. his face is a delicacy. and the little creature in her neck is the perfect accent!
have a wonderful week!!!! (painting obviouslly, ha ha)

naomi orana said...

Thank you for your inspiring comments, I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading them on a cold MOnday morning!!

Glad that you like the dress' fabric, it's twisted, twirly white gum trees.

Clare said...

it's so sad to hear of animals or birds that are on the endangered list - your art work pays tribute to this darling little bird - and causes one to take a few minutes and think about the precious creatures we share this planet with.

Linda Hensley said...

I agree with Clare. You have an interesting style, and I enjoyed going through your past posts too.

Ted Blackman said...

Ohhhhh.... I love parrots. I have an African Grey that I've had since 1987. His name is Gumbo and he's as smart as me. Which isn't saying too much, of course.

You really captured Orange Belly's beautiful color. And look at the way he's eying us closely. When parrots want to get a really good look at you they turn their head sideways like that. Ha!

naomi orana said...

Thank you Clare, it's so nice to hear you say that!

Thank you Linda, it is a funny thing with blogs having to work from the bottom up - thanks for making the effort :-)

WOW Ted - SO COOL! A true compliment coming from yourself and Gumbo!

AHAviews said...

Lovely combination of pattern, colour, flat design and depth. I can get lost in your paintings.